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A Guide to Having a Safe, Happy Holiday Season in 2020

The holidays are here, and what would normally be a simple, joyful season is, like everything else in 2020, a bit more complicated this year. Fortunately, there’s a ton of ways to tweak our traditions to make them

as safe as possible — as well as a ton of fun new ways to celebrate this extremely unusual year. Cape Cod Baby wants to make sure you’re able to enjoy this holiday season despite the challenges. In that spirit, here are a few fun ideas to get you started:

Host a Virtual Secret Santa

If you have a friend group that would usually gather together this time of year, consider hosting a virtual Secret Santa. Secret Santa parties are perfect for the Zoom format. Just use a name drawer and then have everyone order their gifts online to send to their respective recipient’s house. Use gift wrapping options, and make sure they’re clearly marked ‘Secret Santa — Do Not Open!’ Then, at the party, you can all open your gifts and reveal your identities.

If your friend group is all about finding the funny side of things, you can consider having a 2020 themed exchange where all the gifts are themed to the year. For example, you might give a friend a nice business top and a comfortable pair of leggings for video calls. If you know one of your friends has made canned food their go-to pantry staple, a high-quality can opener will be cheeky and useful. If you do go this route, however, put a ban on toilet paper — otherwise, you might get a few repeat jokesters.

Enjoy Outdoor Events

All evidence suggests that COVID-19 has a far harder time spreading outdoors, so this is a great year to enjoy fun winter events with your loved ones. For example, you can check out the lights at Heritage Museum & Garden’s Gardens Aglow.

They’re hosting the event this year with a few small tweaks. There’s limited admission, so you’ll need to order your tickets in advance on their website. Tickets are date and time specific, so coordinate with anyone you plan to go with to make sure you get the same time window.

If you want a no-cost option, meet outside of a loved one’s house and stroll around the neighborhood enjoying home light displays. This can be a better option for pregnant moms or new parents than a big night out since you can stay relatively close to home. It also gives you plenty of flexibility with the time and date, so if you need to rain-check at the last second, it’s not a big deal.

Gather Safely

When it comes to gathering this holiday season, staying outside is your lowest-risk option. If you plan to host an in-person party, consider doing so in your backyard or at a local park. Yes, this will be chilly, but it’s also your best bet for making sure even your most cautious loved ones will be comfortable joining you this year.

If you do decide to have an indoor holiday party, follow a few basic precautions in order to keep everyone safe. Ask everyone to wear a mask and create “zones” for different households to make social distancing easier. Have anyone who isn’t feeling well or is high-risk join you through video call or some other virtual means.

Thanks to developments in COVID-19 treatment and prevention, it seems likely that we’ll be able to bring back our usual traditions this time next year. In the meantime, think creatively to find fun ways to foster the holiday spirit while staying healthy and safe.

Are you a new or expectant parent who needs some help this holiday season? Cape Cod Baby can help! Contact (719) MY LABOR today.



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